Did you know that the PDF has been around since the ’90s? Since then, people have been using it to share all kinds of information from their personal life to their professional life.
Even so, it can be hard to know how to make sure that you’re using the PDF file format correctly. There is likely more functionality with these PDF file types than you even know how to use.
Fortunately, we are here to give you some ideas on ways to use your PDFs to their full capability.
Keep reading as we give you 3 major tips on working with PDF file formatting.
1. Compressing a PDF
Compressing a PDF is a smart move if you have a really large PDF file that you want to send to someone else. It’s also helpful if you need to free up some space on your computer’s storage.
To compress a PDF into a smaller file size, you can use online tools, like Adobe Acrobat, to do that. If you have this downloaded on your computer, you can also use it that way for the same purpose.
If you’re on an Apple computer, you can actually compress your PDF when you’re using the ‘Preview’ function. You’ll open the PDF, choose ‘File,’ then ‘Export’ on your screen. Instead of clicking ‘Export as PDF,’ you’ll open the Quartz Filter pop-up and select ‘Reduce File Size.’
2. Converting a PDF
A PDF converter will be your best bet if you want to convert almost any file type into a PDF. Because PDFs are so widely accessible, it’s a desired file format that most people are able to open easily (no matter what types of programs they have on their computer).
Most file formats can easily be converted with the tool that you used to create the document. For instance, in Microsoft Word, you can use the internal functionality to convert the .doc or .docx into a PDF file.
Some file types are a little more complex. If you want to convert HTML to PDF, you’ll want to use C# libraries that can accomplish everything you need so that the new PDF format is correct.
There are ways around this, however. For instance, Spire.PDF is an API that lets you handle PDF files without any need for external tools.
3. Writing New Text on a PDF
The biggest downside to using PDFs is that once you make it, you can’t really change it. It’s hard to edit a PDF since it appears almost like an image rather than an editable document.
To write on a PDF after it’s been created, you can either convert it back into an editable file type, like a .docx, or you can use additional software designed to write on it. If you don’t want to take the time to convert and then re-convert your file, you can easily find this software online to use for free.
Using the PDF File Format Like a Pro
In a work environment, the PDF file format is king. It is the easiest file type to share, especially when you’re trying to provide someone with important information.
To make sure that you’re maximizing its potential, you need to use these tips in your future PDF work!
Learn more about how to increase your productivity and ability to work with different file types with other blogs on our website next.