Digital transformation is a ‘must’ that businesses cannot afford to overlook. With hybrid IT environments, deployment of cloud, and complex network infrastructure, businesses also have additional risks to manage and mitigate. Contrary to what some people may believe, cybersecurity is not for big companies and MNCs alone. No business is entirely immune to cyberattacks, and being proactive & having a hands-on approach to cybersecurity are only ways to survive. In this post, we are discussing top steps that small businesses can take for better cybersecurity.
Engage the security community
Big companies are running bug bounty programs, which allows them to find security flaws and vulnerabilities within their systems and network resources. Make sure that your company has some form of testing in place. If you are wondering how to hack your company’s recorder and test overall security, just hire a company that can start penetration testing, or can engage ethical hackers for your business.
Train people and get everyone involved
No business can succeed with cybersecurity, unless departmental silos are done away with. You need the entire organization to understand, appreciate and value cybersecurity measures, and if that means hiring third-party experts to train your team, consider that option. Insider threats within a company are often ignored. Employees are often responsible for causing security breaches, often unintentionally, and unless they know the basics of safe browsing practices, common cybersecurity threats, consequences of their actions, and their role in IT security, you cannot expect them to have a proactive stance.
Watch out for software, firmware and apps
Businesses have to rely on a bunch of programs, software, firmware and apps for various tasks, and these are often the weakest links in cybersecurity measures. Ensure that all obsolete and unused software, especially legacy software, are deleted and uninstalled, while firmware and other software must be updated regularly. Manufacturers are always trying to fix security issues and other problems, and they usually offer patched updates for free. Also, once apps, software, and devices have been deployed, change all default details, such as usernames and passwords, right away.
In conclusion
There’s no way that you can 100% mitigate all cybersecurity concerns, but being proactive can prevent many common problems, especially unexpected breaches. Of course, every company needs to work continuously towards cybersecurity and must do what it takes to update their measures and practices. Businesses must stay ahead of hackers to prevent a cyberattack.