As you know, the rapid growth from junior to senior is especially inherent in the IT field. It is very convenient when the company is small and just developing. You can develop with it and one day become a team lead or project manager.
Comfortable working conditions
While the pandemic is still raging around the world, the most comfortable, in our opinion, is working from home. It’s good if the employer can provide it. Some companies literally deliver corporate equipment to employees if they cannot work on home PCs for any reason.
In a non-coronavirus environment, flexible work is definitely on the top. If the company can maintain your life/work balance – it says a lot. While working in the office, we advise you to always check the availability of a dining room, services on the territory of the office, lounges, and activities such as table tennis and a play station.
Problem-solving skill
In most cases, programmers cannot solve the problem the first time. Difficulties arise at the very beginning of the search for a solution; sometimes the first version of the algorithm turns out to be not correct. Therefore, it is very important that the programmer is not intimidated by problems. Echo Ukraine team is able to consider any difficulties as a challenge and successfully overcome them.Â
Programmers must have a lot of patience, as in the process of creating a new project, they may need to start everything from scratch after several hours of work.
Teamwork skill
Even if there is only one programmer on the staff of the company, he will not be able to work independently. Therefore, the employee needs to establish contacts with colleagues, customers, marketers, salespeople, and other employees. At the interview, employers are recommended to check the programmer whether he has experience in teamwork.