Higher traffic leads to higher profits, and it’s that simple! The more people hear about your site, the greater are the chance of them visiting. You want them to shop at your place instead of your competition! As it is in real life with brick-and-mortar stores, so it is on the digital web. The only difference is that traffic is tenfold, information is shared instantly, and the entire world is your oyster. To reach the pearl you will have to think outside the box, and we are here to help!
1. Influence the influencers
One quick tactic you can employ to get a head start and see an immediate surge in visits is reaching out to any influencers you may find. Influencers represent a vital part of your digital marketing as they have an established reputation among their viewers. Treat influencers as a boost to your business because they can present your product or service to their respected crowds.
Once they do, you are buying their reputation, influence (hence the name) and time, making them the spokesperson for your company. The other side of the coin, is that you must be careful when selecting influencers. Reaching out to too many of them will diminish your brand, and any negative actions or words they make will severely reflect on you. Establishing a healthy relationship with your influencers is the best first step to your long-term success.
2. Website optimisation
You can have the best content in the world with the highest-paid marketing team that drives scores of people daily, and it will all go to waste if your site is not up to the task. Start with yourself as a comparison. Would you wait 1 minute for a website to load, and deal with broken or unfunctional links as you guide thru the hedge maze of unintuitive design? Of course not, no one ever will.
Seventy per cent of traffic comes from mobile phones, and your site must be mobile-friendly. Goods and services must be visibly present with clear prices, and site navigation should be intuitive enough so that even a child can use it. Good website optimisation value your customer’s time, and people will respond positively. Once they associate your website with a positive experience they had, repeated sales are sure to follow.
3. SEO micromanagement
You can be on the first page of Google, or you close up shop. You can again start with yourself and ask yourself when was the last time you clicked on page two of the results. The competition is even stiffer as you need to be in the top five results, as more and more people don’t even scroll down. Getting to the front page requires SEO proficiency, and while the knowledge is all out there, implementation can get tricky. You can again outsource your needs to the certified and pro-SEO agency from Sydney and get your business in the fast lane to success. Your competition won’t wait for you to make any changes, and the sooner you start, the sooner you can reap the rewards.
4. Content is king
You’ve heard the saying a thousand times, but it’s worth repeating, so you never forget it. Our filters are adapted to the extreme, and filtering thru spam, garbage, and low-quality content is like second nature to customers. Your job is to create something of value and meaning for your customers. Doing so will make you appear and stay on their radar. Additional benefits include appearing on Google’s radar as the search giant is interested in providing the best results for its user’s searches. Nothing beats hitting two birds with one stone. Except for good content, that is.
5. Engage the audience
People view corporations as dull, soulless and faceless masses that don’t care about anyone. Each of your social media platforms and Google reviews present a chance for you to rise and shine! Putting an emphasis on customer reviews and taking your time to write a human response to each one, shows customers that you care. Each of your responses can get re-tweeted, shared and posted online by a satisfied customer, making your effort multiply the results. All it took was one answer and you showing attention. Customer reviews to drive traffic as you are being interactive, and make your business come alive!
6. Use all available data
Getting more visitors is not an esoteric science where you guess what to do. All your decisions must be made based on solid science and foolproof research. You already have a gold mine of information lying around. All you have to do now is start utilising the resources lying at your feet. Implementing Google Analytics is a good start, as it can show you all the relevant data. From where do your customers come, what devices are they using, how long are they staying, and where are the drop-off points?
All mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg, and you can dive deep into all sorts of metrics. Making a customer profile and imagining your ideal customers is possible when you have hard data at hand. Then you can adapt your site to the specific niche and focus on profitable markets. Never spread your resources too thin, as the costs will outpace the results every time.
7. Paid promotions
We’ve saved this one for last as it is the most expensive option available, and results may vary. The results fluctuate based on how much you capitalise on them. You can always pump as much money as you wish in your advertisement and bring in a legion of customers. What you choose to do with them during and after the campaign will determine the success of your investment. If you’ve done nothing to prepare and follow up with the sudden surge, you’ve wasted your money. Paid promotion success is measured by the initial profit made, but repeated sales are a better indicator. Returning customers represent the foundation for your customer base.
The more, the merrier! Businesses live and die by their customer’s visits, and the sole purpose of their existence lies in customer satisfaction. The more happy customers pass thru your digital doors, the better your results may be. It’s that simple, so never stray from that goal!