Caused by Laser Fumes & Engraving Fumes

Stay Cautious About Health Hazards Caused by Laser Fumes & Engraving Fumes

Many industries utilize laser cutting processes for cutting a variety of materials such as metals, diamond, etc. It results in a variety of chemicals and compounds as the process involves heating in high temperatures for carrying out the cutting of different materials, which then leads to the generation of hazardous oxidized compounds. Laser fume extraction systemsare essential for these industries, or else it can lead to some severe health issues.

Laser Fume Health Hazards

Long-term exposure to smoke generated from laser and plasma cutting can be deadly. Some of the common signs of laser fume health hazards are irritation in the throat, nose and eyes. Another common effect is metal fume which is caused due to fumes released from zinc which leads to chills, muscle pain, headache, and coughing.

It is not uncommon for workers who are associated with metal cutting industries to show the symptoms of laser dust hazards. The microscopic particles released during the process are capable of causing serious health problems.

Extraction Of Hazardous Laser Fumes

It is crucial to incorporate proper air filtration systems at industries to reduce the percentage of poisonous fumes and dust. It can be done by using various ventilators and proper laser fumes extraction systems which efficiently pull out the harmful particles and offer safety.

There are mainly two types of filters available in the market, which are charcoal and HEPA.

Charcoal Filters: These work on the mechanism of chemical absorption and filters out the harmful chemical gases as well as vapours from the environment. This is an excellent way to mitigate laser fumes health hazards.

HEPA Filters: HEPA filters effectively pull out all the dust and metal fumes from the air.

When both of these filters are used together, the results are better as the air gets cleansed and free of harmful particles. Installation of an exhaust system would be even better for the complete removal of contaminants.

The type of extraction tool to be installed depends totally on your requirements, the total area which needs to be purified and the frequency of laser cutting.

Final Verdict

The industries need to invest in a proper functioning, high-quality laser fume extraction system to maintain a sustainable workflow. Not only does it restores the health of the workers, but also leaves a positive impact on the productivity aspect.