Blogs will always be looking for uniquely written content, as copied content is detrimental to their ranking. Therefore, do not make too mistake to send a copy of the texts of your own website, or of guest blogs that you have written for other sites. They will reject your guest blog.
Blogs will also expect a certain quality. Your guest blog should be easy to read and should contain no, or hardly any, language and style errors.
Backlink tip 4: Profile backlinks
“Nofollow” attribute tell search engines that they should not follow the link and take it into account as a ranking signal. Links with the rel = “nofollow” attribute therefore do not give any link value for Google, nevertheless such links are valuable. A natural backlink profile will have to consist of a mix of “dofollow” and “nofollow” links. By also creating links which are “nofollow” you ensure a natural backlink profile. As you buy backlinks you can come up with the best choices now.
Pitfalls with profile backlinks
Only create profiles for websites that match your industry or subject or that are general (such as in nature. You want to avoid getting (too many) irrelevant backlinks. For example, in your profile, you can include a link to your website on the website, which focuses on investors. A link on this website to your webshop in prams is completely irrelevant and will not improve your ranking.
Ask a link from people you know
You can ask the people you know for a link, such as family, friends, acquaintances and business relations. People you know personally are more likely to honor a link request.
You can also make a request for this on Facebook, you probably have Facebook friends with a website or a blog that you did not know has a website.
Also check– Bulk backlinks
Pitfalls when asking for links from people you know
A pitfall is that you will exchange links with a website that is totally irrelevant to your business. For example with your cousin who has a fish stall while you have a plasterer company yourself.
- If your link is not relevant then you might as well not exchange the link. It is not going to contribute positively to your Google ranking and in the worst case, (multiple) irrelevant links can even be harmful to your ranking.
- You can normally get most of the valuable backlinks from your suppliers and your customers. These will be active in the same industry, or at least have overlap with your own activities.
Directories are aggregate sites such as and Homepage was the first with this concept, nowadays there are hundreds of homepage imitators. Directories offer you a way to get backlinks quickly. All you have to do is fill in the registration form.